

We’re looking for your best work in art, photography and design.


We’re currently accepting entries for CQ61, submit your work online by the deadline: Friday, July 31, 2024. Submit to CQ61→


Here are the results of our quarterly competition showing the work of winners and runners-up. View Online Gallery 58→.


We want to bring special attention to those artists, designers and photographers who appeared in 2024. Supplies are limited. Learn more→

100 Best 2024 Book Cover
Cover: Current Issue Creative Quarterly 58


Creative Quarterly 58 is printed and is available for purchase online. This issue features the work of fine artist 我爱酸酸乳ssr免费节点.

You can also view all the winners and runners-up in the Online Gallery.


Creative Quarterly 59 is in production and will be available this summer.

Upcoming Deadlines

Image by 星辰加速 shadow, illustration winner

About Us

Creative Quarterly is an international journal focusing on promoting the best work in graphic design, illustration, photography and fine art. Our competitions are open to all artists, designers and photographers at all levels—professionals, students, amateurs—in all countries. Winners and Runner-ups are featured online with winners advancing to our 100 Best Show.

See more at Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.


  • 62: October 30, 2024
  • 63: January 29, 2021
  • 64: April 30, 2021
  • 65: July 30, 2021
Cover image by Brent Barson

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Here our judges select the top one-hundred entries from each year that are published in our Annual and exhibited in a New York gallery.

Learn more→
Inspiration by Peter Hui Inspiration by Peter Hui

CQ58: What Inspires U?

CQ asks each winner to tell us what inspires them.

View inspiration →

Book Reviews

In each issue we take a look at the latest in art, design, and photography.

Book Reviews→

CQ60: Latest Winners

We are pleased to announce the winners and runner-ups from CQ60. Issue 60 will be published in the autumn.

List of winners→


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